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February 16, 2022
April 11, 2022

Love Language

There is always a balance of giving and taking in every relationship. Each individual remains committed to the connection in part because it is nourished with a steady supply of acknowledged gratitude.

Expressing gratitude to those who are responsive to our needs shows that we acknowledge their deeds and care. This further helps to bring both parties closer, which ultimately strengthens the relationship. But what if the opposite party feels they are underappreciated or being ignored despite your best effort to express? This comes as no surprise as we all receive and express love and gratitude differently.

Knowing the other party’s love language allows you to express your love and appreciation based on their innate preferences. For instance, your appreciation/love language is quality time while another party maybe gifts, words of affirmation, physical touch, or acts of service. Understanding when you are trying to use their love language to show your appreciation will help them to recognize your effort and gratitude. This is especially applicable in most intimate relationships as well as other forms of treasured relationships. So take your time to learn and explore the love language of yourself and your loved ones.

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