This Too Shall Pass!
January 16, 2021
Freedom: It Comes When You Are Mentally Free Not Physically
January 25, 2021

Sending You a Virtual Hug!

Now that we are in MCO again, we are all confined in our homes. We are unable to go to work and see our colleagues, spend time with our friends and some of us may even be apart from our family and loved ones.

During these times, support and love are especially important. Calling our friends and family and reminding them that “I miss you and I am there for you” can be uplifting. A small gesture like this can go a long way, brighten up their day and positively remind the person that you love them. Even though you might not be close physically, you can connect with people emotionally and form a stronger bond and connection with them.

So, today I encourage you to call or text a friend or family member and tell them that you love them and send them a virtual hug!

Khushi Todi
Admin Intern

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